Category: Kotlin

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  • Abstract Classes vs Interfaces in Kotlin: Understanding the Key Differences and When to Use Them

    Abstract Classes vs Interfaces in Kotlin: Understanding the Key Differences and When to Use Them

    Abstract Classes vs Interfaces in Simple Terms

    In Kotlin, abstract classes and interfaces are tools used to define shared behaviors for multiple classes. While they have similarities, they serve slightly different purposes and are used in different scenarios.

    1. What is an Abstract Class?

    • An abstract class is like a blueprint. It can have both:
      • Abstract methods: These are methods without a body (no implementation) that subclasses must implement.
      • Concrete methods: These are methods with a body (already implemented) that can be inherited by subclasses.

    Key Points:

    • You cannot instantiate an abstract class (you can’t create objects from it directly).
    • An abstract class can have:
      • Properties (with or without values).
      • Methods (abstract or implemented).
      • Constructors.
    • Use abstract keyword for both the class and its methods.


    abstract class Animal(val name: String) {
    abstract fun makeSound() // Abstract method
    fun eat() { // Concrete method
    println("$name is eating")

    class Dog(name: String) : Animal(name) {
    override fun makeSound() {
    println("$name says Woof!")

    fun main() {
    val dog = Dog("Buddy")
    dog.makeSound() // Output: Buddy says Woof! // Output: Buddy is eating

    2. What is an Interface?

    • An interface is a collection of methods (and properties) that a class can implement. It defines what a class must do but not how it does it.
    • Starting from Kotlin 1.2, interfaces can also have default implementations for methods, but they cannot store state (i.e., no fields with values).

    Key Points:

    • A class can implement multiple interfaces (but can inherit only one abstract class).
    • Interfaces do not have constructors.


    interface Flyable {
    fun fly() // Abstract method
    fun takeOff() { // Default implementation
    println("Taking off!")

    class Bird : Flyable {
    override fun fly() {
    println("The bird is flying")

    fun main() {
    val bird = Bird()
    bird.takeOff() // Output: Taking off! // Output: The bird is flying

    Key Differences:

    FeatureAbstract ClassInterface
    PurposeTo share code and structure between related classes.To define a contract for unrelated classes.
    Multiple InheritanceA class can inherit only one abstract class.A class can implement multiple interfaces.
    StateCan have state (fields with values).Cannot have state (fields must be abstract).
    ConstructorsCan have constructors.Cannot have constructors.
    MethodsCan have both abstract and concrete methods.Can have abstract methods and default methods.
    PropertiesCan have concrete properties (with values).Properties are abstract by default (no backing field).

    When to Use Abstract Classes

    1. Use an abstract class when:
      • You want to share code and state among related classes.
      • You need a base class with a constructor.
      • Your classes are tightly related (e.g., Animal -> Dog, Cat).
    2. Abstract classes are suitable for hierarchies where you want a base class to enforce structure but also provide some functionality.

    When to Use Interfaces

    1. Use an interface when:
      • You want to define a contract that can be implemented by multiple unrelated classes.
      • You need to achieve multiple inheritance.
      • You want to share behavior without enforcing a class hierarchy.
    2. Interfaces are ideal for defining capabilities or roles (e.g., Flyable, Swimmable, Drivable).

    Combining Both

    Kotlin allows classes to inherit from an abstract class and implement multiple interfaces.


    abstract class Animal(val name: String) {
    abstract fun makeSound()

    interface Flyable {
    fun fly()

    class Bird(name: String) : Animal(name), Flyable {
    override fun makeSound() {
    println("$name chirps")

    override fun fly() {
    println("$name is flying")

    fun main() {
    val bird = Bird("Sparrow")
    bird.makeSound() // Output: Sparrow chirps // Output: Sparrow is flying

    Quick Summary

    • Abstract Class: Use when you need a base class for related objects with shared code and state.
    • Interface: Use when you need to define a set of behaviors that can be implemented by unrelated classes or need multiple inheritance.

    Happy Koding!! 😊

  • Classes are “final” by default in Kotlin

    In Kotlin, classes and methods are final by default, meaning they cannot be inherited or overridden. This design choice emphasizes safety and prevents accidental modification of classes or methods, which could lead to unexpected behaviors.

    To allow a class to be extended (inherited), you need to explicitly mark it with the open keyword. Similarly, methods and properties that you want to override in a subclass must also be marked with open.

    Why Use open for Classes?

    1. Explicit Inheritance Control:
      • Kotlin enforces explicit design choices. By default, making classes final prevents unintended extension, ensuring that your class behaves as expected without being altered.
      • By using open, you signal that the class is designed to be extended.
    2. Improved Code Safety:
      • It prevents accidental or unauthorized inheritance of classes, which could compromise encapsulation or lead to subtle bugs.
    3. Better Code Design:
      • You clearly indicate which classes are meant to be used as base classes, making your design intentions more readable.

    Example Without open

    class Parent {
    fun greet() {
    println("Hello from Parent")

    class Child : Parent() // Error: 'Parent' is final and cannot be inherited

    This results in a compilation error because Parent is final by default.

    Example With open

    open class Parent {
    open fun greet() {
    println("Hello from Parent")

    class Child : Parent() {
    override fun greet() {
    println("Hello from Child")

    fun main() {
    val child = Child()
    child.greet() // Output: Hello from Child
    • Parent is marked open, allowing it to be extended by Child.
    • The greet method is also marked open, so it can be overridden.

    Why Not Use open by Default?

    1. Avoiding Unintended Changes:
      • If all classes were open by default, any developer could subclass or override a class or method, leading to unexpected behaviors in code.
    2. Encapsulation and Modularity:
      • Making classes and methods final by default helps maintain strong boundaries between components, encouraging better encapsulation.
    3. Easier Maintenance:
      • Final classes are easier to maintain because their behavior is fixed and predictable.

    When to Use open?

    • Use open only when you intend a class to serve as a base class.
    • Mark methods and properties open only if they are designed to be overridden in subclasses.
    • If a class or method should not be changed, leave it as final (default behavior).

    Final vs. Open vs. Abstract

    finalDefault behavior; classes and methods cannot be inherited or overridden.
    openAllows classes to be inherited and methods/properties to be overridden.
    abstractUsed for classes or methods that must be overridden in subclasses (cannot be instantiated directly).

    Example with Abstract and Open:

    abstract class Shape {
    abstract fun area(): Double
    open fun description() = "This is a shape"

    class Circle(private val radius: Double) : Shape() {
    override fun area() = Math.PI * radius * radius
    override fun description() = "This is a circle"
    • Shape is abstract, meaning it cannot be instantiated.
    • The area method is abstract, so it must be overridden.
    • The description method is open, so it can be overridden but is not mandatory.


    • open explicitly indicates that a class or method is intended to be extended or overridden.
    • This approach ensures better code safety, readability, and maintainability compared to the default behavior in other languages where all classes are extendable by default.
  • Encapsulation using primary / secondary constructors

    Encapsulation in Kotlin involves restricting direct access to class variables and exposing them through controlled methods (getters and setters). In Kotlin, you can achieve encapsulation seamlessly using properties with custom accessors or by controlling the visibility of variables.

    Here’s how to add encapsulation to class variables when using primary or secondary constructors:

    1. Encapsulation with Primary Constructor

    The primary constructor can automatically define and initialize class properties with encapsulation using visibility modifiers (private, protected, etc.) and custom getters/setters.


    class Person(private var _name: String, private var _age: Int) {
    // Public getter for name
    var name: String
    get() = _name
    set(value) {
    if (value.isNotBlank()) _name = value

    // Public getter and setter for age with validation
    var age: Int
    get() = _age
    set(value) {
    if (value > 0) _age = value

    init {
    println("Person created with Name: $_name, Age: $_age")

    // Usage
    val person = Person("Alice", 25)
    println( // Accessing name = "Bob" // Changing name
    person.age = -5 // Invalid age; won't update
    println("Updated Name: ${}, Age: ${person.age}")


    • _name and _age are private and cannot be accessed directly outside the class.
    • name and age are public properties with controlled access.
    • Validation logic ensures only valid values are set.

    2. Encapsulation with Secondary Constructor

    For secondary constructors, you can initialize private variables and expose them through public properties.


    class Car {
    private var _brand: String = ""
    private var _speed: Int = 0

    // Secondary constructor
    constructor(brand: String, speed: Int) {
    if (brand.isNotBlank()) _brand = brand
    if (speed > 0) _speed = speed

    // Public getter and setter for brand
    var brand: String
    get() = _brand
    set(value) {
    if (value.isNotBlank()) _brand = value

    // Public getter and setter for speed with validation
    var speed: Int
    get() = _speed
    set(value) {
    if (value > 0) _speed = value

    // Usage
    val car = Car("Toyota", 120)
    println("Brand: ${car.brand}, Speed: ${car.speed}")

    car.speed = 150 // Updates speed
    car.brand = "" // Invalid; won't update
    println("Updated Brand: ${car.brand}, Speed: ${car.speed}")


    • _brand and _speed are private variables initialized in the secondary constructor.
    • brand and speed are public properties with controlled access.

    3. Encapsulation with private set

    Kotlin allows you to make the setter of a property private while keeping the getter public. This ensures that the property can only be modified within the class.


    class BankAccount(val accountNumber: String, initialBalance: Double) {
    private var _balance: Double = initialBalance

    // Public read-only property
    val balance: Double
    get() = _balance

    // Public method to update balance
    fun deposit(amount: Double) {
    if (amount > 0) _balance += amount

    // Usage
    val account = BankAccount("12345", 1000.0)
    println("Account Balance: ${account.balance}")

    account.deposit(500.0) // Update balance through deposit method
    println("Updated Balance: ${account.balance}")


    • balance is read-only outside the class but can be updated internally through the deposit() method.

    4. Encapsulation Using Visibility Modifiers

    Kotlin offers these visibility modifiers:

    • private: Accessible only within the class.
    • protected: Accessible within the class and its subclasses.
    • internal: Accessible within the same module.
    • public: Accessible from anywhere.


    class Employee(private val id: Int, private var salary: Double) {
    fun showDetails() {
    println("Employee ID: $id, Salary: $salary")

    fun updateSalary(newSalary: Double) {
    if (newSalary > 0) {
    salary = newSalary

    // Usage
    val emp = Employee(101, 50000.0)
    // or emp.salary cannot be accessed directly

    Best Practices

    1. Use private variables to restrict direct access to sensitive data.
    2. Expose data using custom getters and setters to validate or control access.
    3. Use read-only properties (val) for values that shouldn’t change after initialization.
    4. Combine encapsulation with Kotlin’s visibility modifiers for better control.


  • Primary and Secondary constructors in Kotlin

    In Kotlin, constructors are used to initialize objects when a class is instantiated. Kotlin provides two types of constructors:

    1. Primary Constructor
    2. Secondary Constructor

    1. Primary Constructor

    • The primary constructor is part of the class header and is used to initialize properties of the class.
    • It is concise and typically used when a class has straightforward initialization needs.


    class ClassName(param1: Type, param2: Type) {
    // Initialization block (if needed)
    init {
    // Code to initialize or process properties


    class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {
    // `init` block to add additional initialization logic
    init {
    println("Name: $name, Age: $age")

    // Create an instance
    val person = Person("Alice", 25)


    • val name: String and var age: Int in the primary constructor automatically create and initialize properties.
    • The init block executes when the object is created.

    2. Secondary Constructor

    • A secondary constructor is defined inside the class body using the constructor keyword.
    • It provides alternative ways to instantiate the class when additional initialization logic is required or the primary constructor doesn’t fit.


    class ClassName {
    // Secondary constructor
    constructor(param1: Type, param2: Type) {
    // Code for initialization


    class Person {
    var name: String
    var age: Int

    // Secondary constructor
    constructor(name: String, age: Int) { = name
    this.age = age
    println("Name: $name, Age: $age")

    // Create an instance
    val person = Person("Bob", 30)


    • The secondary constructor explicitly initializes the properties name and age.
    • It can contain custom initialization logic specific to the secondary constructor.

    Combining Primary and Secondary Constructors

    When both primary and secondary constructors are present:

    • Secondary constructors must delegate to the primary constructor (directly or indirectly) using the this keyword.


    class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {
    var city: String = "Unknown"

    // Secondary constructor delegating to the primary constructor
    constructor(name: String, age: Int, city: String) : this(name, age) { = city

    init {
    println("Primary constructor: Name: $name, Age: $age")

    // Create instances
    val person1 = Person("Charlie", 40) // Uses primary constructor
    val person2 = Person("Dave", 35, "New York") // Uses secondary constructor

    println( // Output: New York


    • The primary constructor initializes name and age.
    • The secondary constructor adds initialization for city and ensures delegation to the primary constructor using : this(name, age).

    Key Differences Between Primary and Secondary Constructors

    FeaturePrimary ConstructorSecondary Constructor
    Definition LocationIn the class header.Inside the class body.
    PurposeSimplifies initialization of properties.Provides alternative ways to create objects.
    DelegationCannot delegate to secondary constructors.Must delegate to the primary constructor.
    Use CasesSimple and common initialization.Complex initialization or alternative setups.

    When to Use Which?

    • Use primary constructors for straightforward property initialization (preferred for most cases).
    • Use secondary constructors when:
      • You need multiple ways to initialize the class.
      • Complex initialization logic is required.
